League 3 2021/2022 - Aberdeen


After a Covid wave that swept SSTO in February, it felt amazing to get back to competing at League 3 in Aberdeen. As this was the last Scottish Student Trampoline event of the academic year, and for some of our graduating members, ever, we would like to thank SST for organising an amazing competition and Aberdeen University Trampoline Club for hosting us and making us feel so welcome!

The day started off bright (actually very dark) and early at 6am, where we all piled into cars and headed north. Thanks to our amazing drivers Jack, Gwynneth, Jenny and Kayleigh, who offered their services so nobody had to get the bus and we avoided another Dundee situation of nearly being late! We arrived in Aberdeen at the Sports Village on time around 8.45 ready to be let into the hall. It was amazing to see so many people and feel such an excited and enthusiastic energy. Our competing members started warming up and practicing their routines while others got ready to judge. This time we had a large amount of people competing! First to bounce were Janann and Anna P in Novice Women. Afterwards Verity, Amie, Elizabeth and Bella were up in Intermediate Women. Bansri and Anna S smashed Women's Intervanced and Nick and Jack did amazing in the Men's Intervanced round. Chris, Elinor and Kayleigh both wowed us in the Advanced round, while Kayleigh also competed at intermediate DMT. Gwynneth and Phoebe were incredible in the Elite category and lastly, Kirsten made us all proud by not only competing in Women's Pro-Elite but also on the DMT!

A highlight of the competition was of course Silly Synchro! We had three amazing duos this time consisting of Jack and Nick, Bella and Seren, and Janann and Phoebe! It's always a delight to watch everyone get dressed up in silly costumes and attempt a synchro routine (and in some cases even do very well!).

The competition was a huge success with EUTC taking home 5 medals (Chris was robbed of a 6th one)!!! Janann won her first ever medal with a bronze in novice women, while Nick also took home the bronze for intervanced men! Bansri wowed us by taking home the silver intervanced as well as the intervaced Shield! Anna wasn't far behind with a bronze for intervanced women. And lastly, Gwynneth won the bronze elite medal! What an amazing way to finish off our last SST comp this year! With this we want to say a huge thank you to our judging members Jenny, Seren, Bella, Elinor, Phoebe, Chris, Bansri and Verity.

After the comp we headed back to the flat we were staying in, kindly provided by Cait and her flatmate Abi, before heading out for a quick dinner. After that we got our togas on and headed out with the rest of the clubs for an amazing Greek night out in Aberdeen!

All in all it was a great competition, giving our members the amazing opportunity to compete and get to know other Scottish Students! We are very sad that SST events are now over for the year but can't help already getting excited for what next year has in store!

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